Email Security As A Service

Email Security as a Service

Email is the open channel through which most crucial business communication travels. And the threat vector through which most cybersecurity attacks and email attacks originate. Organizations need to be protected from all email threats that criminals have perfected, including phishing, spam, and malware. They’re large-scale cloud services providers like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace want the best protection.

Are Emails Really Secure? 

It makes it possible for employees of different organizations to communicate with each other. The problem is that email security on its own is unreliable. This gives attackers the ability to cause difficulty via email to collect money. Attackers attempt to exploit email security lack by using viruses and phishing attacks to carry out their schemes Attackers use email-sensitive data because most businesses rely on it for communication.

An email could be intercepted, and its contents easily accessed by an attacker. The security of email has strengthened to make it more difficult for attackers to access private and sensitive information.

What Is Email Security?

Email security is a term that describes a variety of procedures and tactics for protecting emails from unauthorized access, theft, or compromise. Email is regularly used to spread threats like spam, email spoofing, and phishing. By delivering deceptive communications, attackers entice victims into divulging sensitive information or clicking on hyperlinks that download malware onto the victim’s device. Attackers frequently use email as a point of entry when looking to gain access to company data on a workplace network.

Email encryption encrypts or conceals the content of emails to prevent potentially sensitive information from being viewed by anybody other than the intended recipients. Organizations safeguard their email services against the risks of phishing by using email security as a service. And can also go through several DMARC pricing policies as well. Previously, the IT department of a corporation was in charge of these security measures.

Why Is Email Security Important? 

One of the most harmful cybersecurity dangers that businesses face is phishing emails. Most cyberattacks begin with a malicious email, which includes links to dangerous websites or attachments with malware. These emails are routinely used to disseminate malware, steal user passwords, and access confidential information.

A company’s cybersecurity strategy must include all the benefits of email security solutions. They lessen the risk of malware, account takeover, and data breaches for a company by blocking phishing emails.

There are several methods that businesses can handle the danger to email security. 

Policies For Email Security

Organizations have formed policies regarding how to handle this information flow because email is so important in today’s corporate environment. Viewing the content of emails passing through an organization’s email servers is one of the first rules established. To respond effectively, it’s crucial to comprehend the full email. An organization can implement a variety of security measures on those emails when these fundamental principles are.

Some email security guidelines call for the deletion of all executable material or the submission of dubious content to a sandboxing tool for investigation. If these policies identify email security problems, the organization needs actionable information about the attack’s extent. This will aid in figuring out what harm the attack might have done. A business can enforce email encryption policies to stop critical email information from getting into the wrong hands.

Gateways for Secure Email

SEGs detect and stop threats delivered by email as they travel to or from an organization’s email server. Changing DNS MX records to point to SEGs rather than servers or mail transfer agents (MTA). It allows them to be deployed in sync with the email server or mail transfer agent (MTA). Emails can be checked and filtered for malicious content before being forwarded on to the organization by passing through the SEG with all email traffic.

SEGs were formerly the industry standard for email security, but as corporate IT infrastructure changed, they performed less well. SEGs provide perimeter-focused protection against harmful internal emails and frequently demand that businesses turn them off. The built-in security features provided by their email provider, allow threats that might otherwise have stopped to pass. 

API-Based Security

The SEG can be replaced with an email security solution that utilizes APIs. Through the use of these APIs, you can integrate email security directly into the email system, protecting users without redirecting traffic or turning off built-in security.

Important Characteristics of Email Security Service

A corporate security strategy must include an email security solution because email is one of the biggest sources of cyber risk for a firm. Among the essential attributes of email security best practices are:

  • Anti-Phishing Protection: Phishing is a major online hazard that can lead to losing other sensitive information. 
  • Data loss prevention (DLP): Email is a popular way for information to enter and exit an organization. Email security systems should have DLP functionality to recognize and react to attempts to transmit intellectual property (IP).
  • Blocking malware: Phishing emails are frequently used to spread malware to target computers inside a company. To find malware in an email attachment, email security solutions should examine attachments in a sandboxed environment.
  • Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR): Malicious code is frequently in PDF and Microsoft Office documents CDR. Using an email security solution with CDR support, the file can be disassembled. It also eliminates malicious code and reassembles the file and forwards it to the recipient.
  • Preventing account takeover: Email accounts frequently govern access to other company accounts and hold sensitive information. Email security solutions need to aid in preventing account takeover attempts made by online threats. These threats are looking to take advantage of vulnerable or compromised user credentials.

Tools for Email Security

Whether it is installed on-premises or in the cloud, a secure email gateway should improve email security by offering multi-layered protection. These controls give security teams the assurance they need to protect users from email threats. And keep email conversations running even in the event of a failure. 

While facilitating crucial business interactions, email encryption solutions lower the chances of regulatory infractions, data loss, and corporate policy violations. Any corporation that wants to safeguard information easily & keep it accessible to partners and users should employ email security services. For businesses that must adhere to compliance laws like GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX, an email encryption solution is essential.


To safeguard themselves against sophisticated phishing threats, businesses need email security solutions. SEGs were effective in the past, but they don’t guard against phishing threats nowadays. An organization can stop developing and zero-day phishing assaults with an API-based solution. It also provides defense-in-depth for business email accounts.

How GODMARC can help? GoDMARC takes pride to offer our new customers a qualified and committed DMARC pricing & plans training program. The IT/Security Team is given a completely customized knowledge transfer session during each sync-up meeting. 


Q1. What kinds of email security are there?

Features for email security:

  • Spam detectors. You receive marketing emails regularly in substantial numbers.
  • Antivirus Defense. Spam filters segregate unwanted emails from legitimate ones.
  • Image and content management. Emails are a tool used by hackers for phishing.
  • Encryption of data.

Q2. What steps can people take to strengthen email security?

  • Inform staff members on proper practices for email security.
  • Make secure passwords.
  • Use different passwords for different accounts.
  • Think about routinely changing your passwords, or don’t.
  • Authentication with many factors (MFA).
  • Be careful about phishing.
  • Keep email attachments in mind.
  • Don’t click links in emails.

Q3.How does TLS function with email?

Encryption is used to ensure the privacy of e-mails using a security technology known as Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS protects your email from being intercepted while it is being transmitted over an internet connection.