What are the Steps to Merge Multiple SPF Records?

merge multiple spf records

SPF, short for “Sender Policy Framework,” serves as an email authentication technique to enable servers to verify the authenticity of messages evidently originating from a particular domain. By employing SPF records, which are TXT-type records, domain owners can authorize servers that are permitted to send messages on their behalf. This mechanism safeguards against phishing attempts and spoofing activities while ensuring the accurate delivery of messages.
This article focuses on mitigating a prevalent SPF concern encountered when configuring multiple SPF records for a single domain. We will explore practical strategies to circumvent this issue and optimize the management of SPF records for enhanced email security and reliability.

Prevent Multiple SPF Records

Having multiple SPF records for a domain can lead to authentication failures as recipient servers reject both records, rendering the authentication process ineffective. Consequently, your emails may be erroneously marked as spam by recipients. Moreover, certain DNS registrars may restrict including more than one SPF record for a domain.

In cases where you require multiple SPF records, it is advisable to consolidate them into a single record. By merging the records, you can ensure seamless authentication and mitigate any potential issues that may arise from having multiple SPF records for your domain.

Merging Multiple SPF Records

When consolidating multiple SPF records into a single record, the key is to include all the relevant mechanisms or values within a unified entry. To illustrate, let’s consider merging SPF records example for ABC Email.

v=spf1 a mx include:_spf.abcemail.com ~all

To add the second SPF record, go here.

v=spf1 include:emailsrvr.com ~all

Let’s examine the types of SPF record mechanisms first to grasp the merging procedure better.

Prefix “V”

The initial section of an SPF record commences with “v=spf1,” which serves to indicate that the record aligns with the first version of SPF. As of now, this remains the sole existing version. By including multiple TXT records, this directive explicitly instructs the domain’s DNS to recognize the record as an SPF entry.

“A” Mechanism 

The subsequent aspect present in both records is the “a” mechanism, which signifies the IP address associated with your domain. This mechanism ensures that the sending IP aligns with the A record of the originating domain, allowing for successful authentication.

“MX” Mechanism

Solely the SPF record from ABC incorporates the “mx” mechanism, which specifies the designated email servers for relaying messages. This mechanism ensures that the sending IP matches the MX record of the originating domain, facilitating successful authentication.

“Include” Mechanism 

Regarding the “include” mechanism, it forms the central segment of an SPF record. By utilizing “include,” the DNS is instructed to integrate a specific domain into the SPF configuration of your own domain. This allows emails to be authenticated using the same IPs permitted within the included domain.

“All” Mechanism

Concluding the SPF record is the “all” mechanism. Placed at the end of the record, it defines the treatment of an email. The “all” mechanism is essential, as it must always be present and conform to a valid SPF record format.

To consolidate multiple SPF records into a single record, follow these guidelines:

  • Include all the components and mechanisms from each record into one unified record, ensuring there are no duplications.
  • If both records contain the “a” mechanism, include it only once at the beginning of the SPF record.
  • If only one of the records includes the “mx” mechanism, incorporate it into the first part of the SPF record.

Remember that the final part of the SPF record, which determines how emails should be treated, must consist of either “?all,” “-all,” or “~all.” One of these declarations only may be used for each domain; additional declarations are not permitted.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can effectively merge multiple SPF records into a single record for enhanced email authentication and management.


In conclusion, merging multiple SPF records into a single record is crucial for ensuring effective email authentication and preventing delivery issues. By following the steps outlined earlier, domain owners can optimize their SPF configuration. To further enhance email security and authentication, becoming a GoDMARC partner can be highly beneficial. 

GoDMARC offers comprehensive email security solutions, including SPF management, BIMI implementation and DMARC implementation, and monitoring, to safeguard domains against phishing and spoofing attacks. By combining the steps to merge SPF records with our expertise, domain owners can fortify their email infrastructure and protect their communications.


Q1. Why is it necessary to merge multiple SPF records?

Merging multiple SPF records into a single record is essential to prevent authentication failures and delivery issues with email. It ensures consistent and reliable authentication of emails from a domain.

Q2. What happens if I have multiple SPF records for a domain?

Having multiple SPF records for a domain can lead to authentication problems, as recipient servers may reject both records. This can result in emails being marked as spam or not delivered at all.