Fix SPF Permerror: Overcome Too Many DNS Lookups

spf permerrors

Creating a dependable and secure communication system relies heavily on the implementation of email authentication. Sender Framework Policy (SPF) holds paramount importance among the various authentication methods and enjoys widespread adoption. 

However, despite its seamless integration with DMARC, DKIM, and BIMI, specific challenges may arise, notably SPF Permerror. Addressing these issues is crucial to ensure the overall effectiveness and security of the communication system.
This blog post will explore the SPF Permerror: Overcome Too Many DNS Lookups Error in greater detail, covering its potential origins and effective remedies. By understanding and resolving SPF Permerror, you can significantly improve email deliverability and reduce the chances of unauthorized domain usage.

What does SPF Permerror Mean? 

An SPF PermError, which stands for “permanent error,” occurs when a domain’s SPF record cannot be properly interpreted. In contrast to an SPF TempError, which is a temporary issue, a PermError requires prompt action from the system administrator to address and resolve the problem.

What is the limit for SPF DNS Lookups?

As per the SPF specification, it is essential to limit the number of mechanisms and modifiers conducting DNS lookups to a maximum of 10 per SPF check. This includes any lookups triggered by utilizing the “include” mechanism or the “redirect” modifier. Failure to adhere to this limit will result in an SPF PermError, specifically indicating “SPF PermError: too many DNS lookups.”

The official RFC specification document RFC7208 states the following:

“SPF implementations MUST limit the number of mechanisms and modifiers that do DNS lookups to at most 10 per SPF check, including any lookups caused by the use of the “include” mechanism or the “redirect” modifier. If this number is exceeded during a check, a PermError MUST be returned. The “include”, “a”, “mx”, “ptr”, and “exists” mechanisms as well as the “redirect” modifier do count against this limit. The “all”, “ip4”, and “ip6” mechanisms do not require DNS lookups and therefore do not count against this limit.”

Why is there a limit on SPF DNS lookups?

Indeed, the 10-DNS-lookup restriction serves as a safeguard against Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. 

Let’s consider a possible scenario:

Imagine a malicious user sets up an SPF record on the domain “,” incorporating references to another domain, “” 

Subsequently, they send a massive volume of emails from “” to various mailboxes hosted by email service providers (ESPs) with SPF in place. 

Upon receipt of these emails, the ESPs query the DNS for “,” inadvertently amplifying the traffic. 

This leads to a DoS attack on “,” while the true source of the assault remains concealed.

Such abuse highlights how a seemingly benign email authentication mechanism can be exploited for malicious purposes in the absence of proper precautions. However, the remedy to this problem is straightforward: enforcing a limit on the maximum number of DNS lookups per check on the ESP side. It significantly mitigates the issue. By capping the amplification to just 10 lookups, as opposed to potentially much larger numbers, the impact of the attack can be drastically minimized.

What does the 10 DNS lookup limit mean for SPF records?

The 10 DNS lookup limit is a rule that restricts the number of DNS lookups an email server can perform when processing an incoming email. Specifically, the server can only conduct up to 10 DNS queries to retrieve SPF records associated with the sending domain.

This limitation serves as a safeguard against excessive DNS queries, which could lead to performance issues during email delivery. If a domain’s SPF record exceeds the 10 DNS lookup limit, some email servers may consider the SPF as invalid or reject the email entirely. To ensure effective email delivery and successful SPF validation, it is crucial to carefully monitor and optimize the number of DNS lookups within an SPF record.

What happens if the SPF DNS lookup limit is reached?

If the receiving email server comes across over 10 DNS-querying mechanisms or modifiers within the sender’s domain SPF record, it triggers a “SPF PermError: too many DNS lookups.” As stated earlier, DMARC interprets this SPF PermError as a fail, potentially causing the email to be diverted from the inbox based on the email server’s configuration.

What are the consequences of excessive DNS lookups on your emails?

  • Potential Delivery Delays 

When SPF records involve numerous DNS lookups, it can significantly slow down the process of SPF record evaluation. This, in turn, may lead to delays in email delivery, as the receiving server must wait for responses from multiple DNS servers.

  • Increased Risk of Timeout Errors 

Communication between the receiving server and DNS servers occurs during DNS lookups. A high number of DNS lookups increases the risk of timeout issues, which might cause failed SPF evaluations or lengthy delivery durations.

  • Triggering SPF Permerror 

Going beyond the allowed lookup limits can activate an SPF Permerror, indicating that the SPF record cannot be accurately processed. As a consequence, the email may be flagged as suspicious or even rejected.

  • Incomplete SPF Evaluation 

In cases where the receiving server faces DNS lookup limits or timeout errors due to excessive DNS lookups, it may prematurely terminate the SPF evaluation process, leading to incomplete results.

What are the concerns about exceeding the SPF Too Many DNS Lookups limit?

Put your worries to rest by using our SPF record checker tool for an instant assessment. The best part is that it’s completely free! Our tool efficiently analyzes your SPF record and provides a concise summary of any issues, enabling you to troubleshoot them swiftly. If your record is indeed exceeding the DNS lookup limit, our tool will promptly notify you, helping you take the necessary steps to rectify the problem.


Implementing a well-configured SPF record, alongside proper DMARC and BIMI protocols, strengthens the overall email ecosystem by reducing the risk of spoofing and phishing attacks. This is possible by availing GoDMARC services

Organizations must prioritize optimizing DNS resolutions to avoid exceeding lookup limits and potential Permerror issues. By doing so, they not only bolster their email deliverability and reputation but also foster trust with recipients, ensuring a safer digital communication environment for all parties involved. Embracing these practices is vital to fortify email authentication and combat cyber threats effectively.


Q1. What are the common causes of SPF Permerror?

The primary cause of SPF Permerror is an excessively complex SPF record with too many included domains or mechanisms that lead to multiple DNS lookups. Additionally, errors in syntax, incorrect configuration, or DNS resolution issues can also contribute to SPF Permerror.

Q2. How can SPF Permerror be fixed?

To fix SPF Permerror, simplify the SPF record by reducing the number of DNS lookups. This can be achieved by using IP addresses instead of domain names where possible, consolidating mechanisms, and avoiding excessive nested includes. Regularly check the SPF record for syntax errors and validate its correctness using SPF testing tools.