A DMARC policy is a set of instructions that a domain owner publishes in the Domain Name System (DNS) to specify how receiving email servers should handle email messages that claim to come from their domain. The DMARC policy tells receiving email servers whether to accept, reject, or quarantine emails that fail DMARC authentication checks.

Which DMARC policy should you use and why?


When it comes to DMARC policies, there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. The policy you should use depends on your specific needs and email practices. Here are the three DMARC policies to choose from:

  • None: This policy is useful when you're just starting to implement DMARC. It lets you monitor your email traffic and gather data on who is sending emails on behalf of your domain, without impacting email delivery. With this policy, you'll receive DMARC reports that show how your emails are being handled by receivers.

  • Quarantine: This policy tells receivers to quarantine emails that fail DMARC checks, which means the email will be sent to the spam folder. This policy is useful when you're confident that your email practices are legitimate and you want to start protecting your domain from email spoofing and phishing attacks.

  • Reject: This policy tells receivers to reject emails that fail DMARC checks, which means the email will be rejected outright and not delivered to the recipient's inbox. This policy is useful when you're confident that your email practices are legitimate and you want to enforce strict policies to protect your domain from email spoofing and phishing attacks.

  • In summary, you should choose the DMARC policy that best fits your email practices and risk tolerance. If you're just starting to implement DMARC, the None policy is a good place to start. If you're confident in your email practices and want to start protecting your domain from email spoofing and phishing attacks, Quarantine or Reject policies are good choices.


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