How to Increase Domain Reputation with SPF?

increase domain reputation with spf

Is the open rate of your emails declining? Observing a rise in bounce rates? This may be for various SEO reasons, but domain reputation is frequently a key influence. Is email security important? How? What steps can you take in this situation to improve your domain reputation?

This blog post provides answers to these queries and goes over how to increase domain reputation, or the Sender Policy Framework protocol, to improve domain reputation. For a better understanding, you can learn what SPF is if you don’t already know. It is‌ a standard for email authentication that uses DNS records to identify the hostnames and IP addresses that may send emails from a particular domain.

Still, email delivery may suffer if a site has a bad reputation. Let’s look at what “domain repute” entails before we continue and then see how to increase domain reputation.

What Is Domain Reputation?

Search engines believe that a domain’s reputation is one of several determining variables that show how reliable and credible a domain is. For search engine optimization or SEO, to be effective and have a substantial impact on digital marketing and sales operations, domain reputation must be raised.

A domain reputation is something you have to acquire; you cannot transfer or buy one. Email deliverability and sender reputation are directly correlated with domain reputation. When sending emails, three different sorts of domains are typically utilized. Understanding which domains ESPs take into account when evaluating sending domain reputation is necessary to increase domain reputation using SPF and improve email domain reputation.

In The Address

The domain address shown to the receiver when they receive an email is known as the “From Address.” If no defined reply-to email address is specified, the recipient replies using this address. The “From Address” must be linked to your main domain.

Domain Return-Path

Despite not being displayed, the email header contains the Return-Path Domain. Bounce responses are sent here by the recipient’s email server. However, there are additional options for bespoke return-path addresses. Email service providers often select this as the default.

ISPs can check the return-path domain against the sending domain by setting up a create SPF record and DMARC, which enhances domain reputation and lowers phishing and spoofing assaults.

Domain for DKIM Signing

When in use, this domain will have a public key that is encrypted and that ISPs will use to decrypt DKIM signatures for email authentication. It is recommended to use your domain because it functions as a digital signature & implement SPF, DKIM, dmarc protocol.

To increase domain reputation with SPF, you must carefully handle the factors mentioned above because they affect trustworthiness.

What are the common elements affecting the reputation of your domain?

Search engines like Google and Yahoo regard reputable websites to be safe, genuine, and trustworthy. Therefore, improving domain reputation is crucial. The following are some important causes:

  • Age of a domain.
  • Both the quantity and caliber of incoming connections
  • The incoming links’ anchor text.
  • The caliber of online content.
  • Historical information connected to your domain.
  • Domain Reputation and Email Authentication
  • Email authentication procedures and protocols—meant to confirm the legitimacy of emails—help to increase domain reputation. By verifying domain ownership, verifiable information is used to determine the source of emails.

The main SMTP (Sender Mail Transfer Protocol) email lacks verification mechanisms and is therefore vulnerable to attack. Because of this, email authentication methods like SPF protocol, DKIM, and DMARC have been widely adopted to prevent email-based intrusions including phishing, spamming, spoofing, and others. By identifying IP addresses permitted to send emails for a domain, SPF records enable recipient servers to identify fraudulent senders.

The reputation of your domain grows over time among email and internet service providers. If your emails aren’t authenticated, though, your domain’s reputation will remain poor. The frequency with which receivers report your email as spam and the quantity of emails that bounce are two elements that affect it.

The SPF protocol, however, ensures that only emails with verified IPs reach the recipient’s mailbox. Therefore, counterfeit emails cannot be sent by bad actors without being recognized as such. This enhances the repute of email domains.

Once you understand how an SPF record functions, you can set one up, but for significantly increased email security, the SPF service standard works best when combined with DKIM and DMARC.

Implementing SPF Records and Improving Domain Reputation

In order to establish a list of IPs permitted to send emails using a particular domain, SPF lookup tool uses a DNS TXT record. If the sender’s IP address isn’t on the list, SPF authentication fails.

If you want to find out if an unregistered entity has used your domain without your permission, you can check your SPF records for multiple IP addresses. Following the creation of an SPF record, the recipient’s end of the authentication procedure begins, and the return path address is confirmed. This assists in determining whether the IP address of a sender is listed to generate SPF records.

The email is sent to the “inbox” once it has been approved; otherwise, it would be classified as spam.

A recipient’s mailbox may occasionally reject such an email.

Regularly checking your SPF records is crucial for enhancing the credibility of your email domain. Utilizing email verification methods will increase the ISPs’ perception of your credibility, which will improve the reputation of your entire domain.

Your mail server can deliver emails without fail with the help of an SPF record, preventing bouncebacks and spam folder placement. Its main advantage is that it stops criminals from accessing your account and using it to send phony emails in your name.

You may enhance the reputation of your domain with GoDMARC. If you need assistance installing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, use our unique SPF tool and we’ll get in touch with you.

Steps To Take For A Better Domain Standing

  • The dependability and legitimacy of your domain as perceived by search engines such as Google and Yahoo! Increasing domain repute is essential because it affects your SEO ranking.
  • Hackers frequently use commercial domain names to send bogus emails, which can harm the reputation of the domain and result in emails going to spam or returning.
  • This results in the spam folder receiving all significant and authentic emails (related to sales, order confirmations, queries, notifications, etc.). This will sever the lines of communication and trust with your clients and potential clients.


SPF implementation is crucial because of this. It improves credibility and reputation by informing ESPs and ISPs that only authorized hostnames or IP addresses can deliver emails from your company domain.

But SPF is insufficient on its own. Organizations must secure their domains with robust standards as cyberattacks become more sophisticated. SPF, DKIM, and DMARC implementation will not only improve domain security but domain reputation also. 

GoDMARC is your one-stop solution when you wish to get the right prevention from domain spoofing and get a better domain standing. 


Q1. Can a domain name be used in an SPF record?

Each domain is allowed one SPF record. The SPF record for a domain, however, can list numerous servers and outside parties who are permitted to send email on behalf of the domain. By creating a DNS TXT record at your domain registrar, configure SPF.

Q2. What is the purpose of adding an SPF record to a domain?

SPF helps shield your domain from spoofing and keeps receiving servers from flagging your outgoing communications as spam. The mail servers that are authorized to send email to your domain are listed in SPF.

Q3. Should SPF records be present on every domain?

Any domain should have a Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record, whether or not it sends an email. SPF is a commonly used tool for locating authentic sender IP addresses, and mailbox providers consider it when handling received email.