DKIM Services – The Unavoidable Services


The increasing number of the cyber attacks and email spoofing cases has increased the threat for corporate world. The risk of vulnerability has become a matter of great worry and DKIM services have proved to be an effective solution for the different type of risks.  

The full form of DKIM is Domain Keys Identification Mail. It is a type of method utilized to protect individuals from fake emails. The system analyzes the domain part of the sending address. It helps in verifying whether the message is from a reliable source or not. It is the type of email authentication service. 

DKIM email authentication service is very helpful. Also, email is simple to spoof. One must have got tons of messages that make individuals believe that they were sent from your bank or post office, but they were actually the phishing emails. Fake emails were loaded in your mailbox by frauds. 

DKIM email authentication service 

Through DKIM, you have a digital signature that verifies your identity and prevents you from being flagged as spam. This eliminates phishing, increases valid email address delivery, and boosts overall confidence in email.

In 2004, DKIM was developed by combining two existing requirements: Domain Keys (established by Yahoo) and Defined Internet Mail (generated by Cisco). It evolved into a modern commonly used authentication method that was also registered as an RFC by the Internet Engineering Task Force. DKIM signatures are verified by all major ISPs (including Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo).

The Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) creates the DKIM signature. It generates a Hash Value, which is a special sequence of characters. This cipher text is saved in the domain specified. The receiver will use the public key recorded in the DNS to check the DKIM signature after obtaining the text. It utilizes the key to decrypt the header’s hash value and recalibrate the hash value from the message received. The MTA recognizes that the mail still hasn’t been tampered with when these two DKIM signatures match. This confirms to the consumer that the message was sent from the specified domain.

Prevent your mail from malicious attacks 

We ensure that we provide an expert and diligent training program to the new clients. The procedure begins with a short and crisp discussion with the IT team to enhance the understanding level. After this, a complete tailored knowledge transfer session is provided. 

We respect our clients’ time and so we have developed an automated monitoring sensor that monitors important events and sends you emails with updates. Our primary objective is to manage the governance and authentication of all of your message sources. We protect your mailbox by blocking phishing and hacking of emails.

How do we work?

The first step is that our experts would walk through our platform. Individuals will get an overview and education regarding how to use the secure DKIM services smartly. 

Our system would monitor the data 24/7 to analyze all the sources including unauthorized sender trying to get into your mailbox.