How to avoid Email landing in SPAM

Stop Emails from Going into The Junk Folder

Are you one of those struggling with low open rates for your email campaigns? This is because your emails are winding up in the spam folder. One of the prominent reasons why your emails end up in the spam folder is because, over the past few years, spam filtering has become rigorous than ever.

Did you know, that globally, email has an inbox placement rate of about 83%, which indicates that 1 in 6 emails sent lands into the spam folder or is blocked from getting into recipient’s inbox. The top email service provider companies like Google and Yahoo are suppressing spam in order to serve their customers in a more efficient way.

Let’s have a look at the top 3 reasons why emails go to spam.

  • You aren’t targeting the right audience

One of the topmost reasons why your mail ends up in spam folder is because of low engagement rates. One of the tell-tale causes of low engagement rates is having the wrong audience list. Instead of getting more subscribers, it is vital to focus on getting the right kind of subscribers.

  • Prohibited permission to email subscribers

One of the biggest mistakes is to send a series of automated emails to people who haven’t permitted you. This can lead to a serious fine of hundreds and thousands of dollars.

  • Using spam trigger words

Some advanced spam filters do not allow specific words in the subject line or body of the email. These words are, free, risk-free, for one ($) and many more.

What are the ways to stop mails from going into the junk folder?

  • Make a list of authorized sources

It is crucial to make a thorough repository of all the authorized sources that can send mail on the behalf of your domain.

  • Lodge under the SPF limit

SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework and its major task is to authenticate emails by comparing the sending mail server’s IP address to the list of authorized sending IP addresses which are published by the sender domain’s owner.

Residing under the SPF, 10 DNS lookup limit is imperative because it will ensure that your emails reach your recipient’s inbox. SPF lookup comprises of a DNS lookup limit of 10, if you exceed this limit, it invalidates your SPF record causing SPF to break, resulting in, legitimate emails to fail the authentication checks.

  • Divulge abusive IP addresses

You should blacklist abusive IP addresses which are utilizing your domain name to conduct fraud. This can be a pivotal step in ensuring that such incidents won’t take place in the near future. With the assistance of our advanced DMARC analyser, you can efficiently report malicious addresses from all over the world. 

  • Implement DMARC

DMARC is a policy that stands for Domain-based Message authentication that allows a sender to validate that their emails are protected by SPF and/ or DKIM. This policy aids customer and the brand against phishing and spoofing attacks. DKIM and SPF are the must-haves before deploying DMARC.