BIMI implementation: Why customize BIMI?

bimi implementation

One of the most important criteria for email marketing is email deliverability. Particularly for individuals who work in b2b and send a lot of cold emails every day. Every day, businesses send around 300 billion emails, therefore it’s important to differentiate yourself from the crowd. Optimized templates are needed for this task, as well as an awareness of how email security services operate. By 2023, there will be 4.6 billion email subscribers globally. 

The latter entails inbox optimization, research into spam filtering, and knowledge of the procedures that define proper email delivery. The BIMI option was recently introduced to the information validation functions in a DNS update. So what is needed to execute BIMI?


What Is BIMI?

The BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) email reputation ensures the brand logo can be seen by the addressee next to the email list in the inbox. It aids the postal service in accurately identifying the letter and delivering it to the client’s inbox. The new standard adds another layer of sender authentication, increases email delivery, and guards against fraud from senders who don’t follow the CAN-SPAM regulations. 

In order for recipient email branding providers to identify the business and let your communications reach the inbox, BIMI collaborates with DMARC, DKIM, and SPF. Technically‌, BIMI is a DMARC-like text entry in the DNS (Domain Name System). 

The ability to design a distinctive logo for each domain and sub-domain is another feature of BIMI. You may design unique logos for various divisions or merchandise to give your regional offices and branches even more prominence. And some websites even can change the logo, for instance, to fit special occasions or hot-button issues.

How Do BIMI Records Function?

A person’s email provider begins the verification procedure after receiving an email, searching for all email

security data. Because BIMI and DKIM complement one another, a bulk email platform that checks for DKIM also checks for BIMI. A provider now has the URL leading to a brand visibility’s location if it is present. It pulls in the image to display alongside your message if the records match.

A Verified Mark Certificate must also be included in your BIMI record for several email providers, including Gmail (VMC). It serves as proof that you do, in fact, own your logo as a trademark. 

BIMI’s Advantages For Email Marketing

The benefits of BIMI center are mostly on security, deliverability, and better marketing.

Preventing Phishing Attacks

The most frequent online crime last year, according to the FBI’s 2020 Internet Crime Report, was phishing, with almost all of those attacks coming via secure email branding.

When widely used, BIMI functions as a tool that could make phishing efforts more evident. For companies and financial institutions like banks that are frequently imitated, the new standard makes it simpler to recognize communications that aren’t real. For instance, you should be cautious if your bank has been sending you an email identity with a logo but has recently stopped doing so.

Emails Stand Out Among Others

But what about those attractive features? BIMI also has them.

With all the messengers, social networks, and emails available, there is a lot of informational noise all around us. According to Litmus’ 2021 State of Email Report, your subscribers will listen to your message for a maximum of 10 seconds. You must use every effort to at the very least get their attention in such a competitive environment.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that humans process visual content considerably more quickly and efficiently than words. A better UX results from the use of a beautiful, meaningful logo rather than plain, boring lettering.

Why Is The Adoption Of BIMI Crucial?

AOL, Verizon, and Yahoo are some platforms that support BIMI. In contrast to Microsoft, which uses tailored business profiles that are now in beta testing, Gmail joined them in 2019. Microsoft did not. It should come as no surprise that major platforms like Gmail are quite interested in BIMI. BIMI must be incorporated into your toolkit if you use G-suite as your B2B email provider.

Why Alter The BIMI?

Before the letter, place the logo. The believability of your letters is increased by this customization. Therefore, a customer is more likely to assume something is amiss if they receive an email from your company without the customary logo.

Is BIMI required if the avatar is set up differently?

Most likely not! If you require various logos for various sub-domains, BIMI implementation is required. Because of the few connected platforms, the benefit from a security standpoint is still minimal.

What Is Necessary For Implementing BIMI?

The BIMI testing phase is underway. Your logo might not instantly display in all email clients if you create a BIMI record checker and publish it in your domain’s DNS.

Create a square SVG version of your logo. Give up the little nuances and don’t strive for good image quality because the symbol will be small.

Set up DMARC, DKIM, and SPF if you haven’t already. Use the p = reject or p = quarantine policy for DMARC plan to further configure BIMI. The p = none policy is ineffective.

Implementation Of BIMI

The steps to BIMI implementation must include setting up DMARC compliance, creating your logo, and upgrading your DNS.

  1. Comply With DMARC

First, as we’ve already mentioned, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication records must be set up for BIMI to function. You can set them up on your own or with assistance from your system administrator or preferred ESP.

  1. Make Your Own BIMI logo.

You have completed DMARC and are halfway there. Select the logo you wish to show now.

The following are the primary suggestions for your logo image:

  • Square SVG file type
  • Without text
  • Less than 32KB
  • With a translucent or white backdrop

When you have your SVG file ready, upload it to a publicly accessible server that is HTTPS-hosted and enter the URL there in the BIMI DNS record.

  1. Obtain a VMC

A digital branding document called a “Verified Mark Certificate” attests to your legal right to make use of a certain logo as a duly registered trademark. This is the point at which you must be certain that an email actually originates from you and not from a fraudster.

For the time being, not all email providers need VMC to comply with BIMI. However, Gmail is one of them, and ‌in the future, it will be a prerequisite for all mailbox providers.

  1. DNS updates

It’s time to publish a BIMI entry for your domain in DNS, which is the next stage.

  1. Examine BIMI

Give it a day or so after refreshing your DNS settings before visiting the same BIMI Lookup & Generator. You may use it to see if a domain has a BIMI record set up.

  1. Troubleshooting

If you’ve tried everything and it still isn’t working, you might wish to contact the BIMI Working group, ESP, or your IT specialists for assistance.

Several suggestions to assist you with potential challenges:

  • Inquire about marketers and ESPs on the FAQs page.
  • Please refer to the Implementation Guide.
  • To check whether your domain complies with BIMI, use the BIMI lookup tool.
  • To ensure your logo looks well, use the SVG conversion tool.

The Bottom Line

GoDMARC advocates measuring success after implementing BIMI and contrasting the “before” and “after” metrics. Since BIMI is a recognized email standard, experts think it is not only applicable to emails but is also here to stay.

Your BIMI logo further increases trust and email reputation. When customers see your brand next to emails, they are more inclined to open them if they can recognize the source. Visit GoDMARC right away to learn more about their BIMI offerings.


Q1 Does BIMI help email open rate? 

According to the study, during the BIMI beta program for Yahoo! Mail, brands employing BIMI experienced an average 10% increase in open rates. Therefore, this is a huge benefit.

Q2 How does BIMI appear in emails?

With BIMI, messages from your company are shown next to your brand’s emblem as an icon in the recipient’s inbox. The icon may also be seen within communications. Where the icon shows for emails sent using BIMI depends on the recipient’s email client. BIMI is a new standard that is still being created.

Q3 Why won’t my BIMI image display?

If the mailbox provider for your receiver doesn’t support the protocol, that is one of the most frequent causes of your BIMI logo not displaying as planned. For instance, if they use Microsoft Office 365, your BIMI logo wouldn’t appear because Microsoft doesn’t now support the display of brand logos.