What is Spam Email and How to Stop it?

personal account

Unwanted emails sent in mass to several email accounts are referred to as spam email, also known as junk mail or spam mail. Most spam comes as comparatively innocent emails from advertisers. 

Just receiving a spam email can lead to the receipt of additional spam, and downloading a questionable link or attachment might expose you to ransomware or other forms of malware. Therefore, we need to learn how to prevent phishing attacks.

Learn how to stop spam emails by modifying your privacy settings and considering your online behaviors in the following paragraphs. This article explains how DMARC security can help in spam protection. According to a poll done in April 2020, people between the ages of 31 and 40 made up most workers globally who clicked on what is spam email links.  

Before understanding how to prevent phishing, it is important to learn 

What Is Spam Email?

Spam email is unsolicited, unwanted, and often fraudulent or malicious email messages that are sent in bulk to many recipients. Spammers or cybercriminals typically send these emails to advertise products, services, or websites, or to spread malware, phishing scams, or other types of malicious content.

Spam emails are a significant problem for email users and can be harmful to individuals and organizations, as they can compromise sensitive information, infect computers with malware, or lead to financial losses or identity theft. To protect themselves from spam emails, users can use spam filters and avoid opening or responding to suspicious emails.

Let us now look at ways to learn how to avoid phishing attacks.

Top Ways To Prevent From Emails Spam

Here are some of the best methods for phishing protection. Let’s dive in to understand how to prevent phishing and spoofing. 

1. Keep your email password strong and unique

A strong password should be a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using easy-to-guess passwords like birthdays or names.

2. Enable two-factor authentication for your email account

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a code sent to your phone or email to log in.

3. Don’t give your email address to anyone

Only give out your email address to trusted sources, such as friends, family, or legitimate businesses.

4. Use a spam filter to automatically filter out spam emails

A spam filter can help prevent unwanted emails from reaching your inbox, reducing the risk of opening potentially harmful emails.

5. Never respond to unsolicited emails or click on links in them

Unsolicited emails often contain malicious links or attachments that can harm your computer or steal your personal information.

6. Keep your email software up to date with the latest security patches

Software updates often include security fixes to protect against newly discovered vulnerabilities.

7. Protect your computer from malware by using anti-virus software

Anti-virus software can detect and remove malware from your computer, reducing the risk of being infected by email-based attacks.

8. Open email attachments carefully, especially from unknown senders

Attachments can contain malware that can harm your computer or steal your personal information.

9. Do not open emails from strangers or suspicious senders

Suspicious or unknown senders are more likely to send phishing emails or contain malicious links or attachments.

10. Don’t share your email address on public forums or social media sites

Spammers and cybercriminals who use software to harvest email addresses often targeted public forums and social media.

11. Avoid using your primary email address for online registrations or purchases

Use a disposable email address or a separate email address for online registrations or purchases.

12. Use a disposable email address for online registrations or purchases

You can use a disposable email address for one-time registrations or purchases, reducing the risk of being spammed or receiving unwanted emails.

13. Don’t forward chain emails, as they may contain false information or malware

Chain emails are often used to spread false information or malware and should be avoided.

14. Using an email client that supports encryption, such as PGP or S/MIME

Encryption can help protect the privacy of your email messages by encoding them in a way that only the recipient can read.

15. Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks to check your email

Public Wi-Fi networks are not safe, making it easy for cybercriminals to intercept your email traffic and steal your personal information.

16. Be skeptical of emails that ask for personal or financial information

Legitimate businesses will never ask for personal or financial information over email, so be cautious when receiving such emails.

17. Don’t use your email password for any other online accounts

Using the same password for multiple accounts can increase the risk of having your email account hacked.

18. Use a virtual private network (VPN) when checking your email on public Wi-Fi networks

A VPN on your computer or phone device encrypts your internet traffic, making it more difficult for cybercriminals to intercept your email traffic.

19. Set up a separate email address for business and personal use

Separating your email addresses can reduce the risk of receiving unwanted emails in your personal account.

How Can DMARC Help With Email Spam Protection?

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is an email authentication protocol that can help with email spam protection by allowing email receivers to verify that incoming messages are sent from the sender and to block or quarantine messages that fail authentication.

DMARC works by allowing email senders to publish policies in their DNS records that specify how receiving email servers should handle messages that fail authentication. When a receiving server receives an email, it checks the sending domain’s DMARC policy to determine how to handle the message. If the message fails authentication, the receiving server can either block the message or quarantine it to a spam folder, depending on the DMARC policy.

It is important to learn how to protect from phishing with DMARC. DMARC can help prevent email spoofing, where cybercriminals send emails that appear to come from a legitimate sender, by allowing receivers to verify that incoming messages are actually sent from the claimed sender. This can help prevent phishing attacks and other forms of email-based fraud.

Overall, DMARC security can be an effective tool for improving email security and preventing email spam by providing a standardized method for email authentication and policy enforcement.

The Bottom Line

Now, you have the answers to what is spam email and how to stop spam emails. Filtering spam and other unwanted communications out of your inbox can feel like a game of whack-a-mole because they can originate from anywhere. Fortunately, comprehensive security and privacy software like GoDMARC can secure your entire network from harmful threats while safeguarding your email.

GoDMARC provides a tailored, accredited DMARC training course and a range of interaction options. Look at the DMARC pricing and goals to learn more about other con artists and determine the current comprehension.


Q1.What are the dangers of email spam?

Email spam can be dangerous as it may contain links or attachments that can harm your computer or steal your personal information. 

Q2. How can I prevent email spam?

To prevent email spam, you can use a spam filter, be cautious about giving out your email address, never respond to unsolicited emails or click on links in them, and keep your email software up to date with the latest security patches.

Q3.What is a spam filter?

A spam filter is a tool that automatically filters out unwanted emails from your inbox. Spam filters use various criteria to identify and filter out spam emails, including sender information, content, and other characteristics.

Q4.How effective are spam filters?

Spam filters can be effective in filtering out a large portion of unwanted emails, but they may not catch everything. Some spam emails may still make it through the filter, while some legitimate emails are just spam.

Q5.Can I report spam emails?

Yes, you can report spam emails to your email service provider or to the appropriate authorities, such as the Federal Trade Commission. Reporting spam emails can help prevent them from reaching other users and can also help identify and prosecute spammers.