Protecting users with SPF, DMARC, DKIM, and MTA-STS

protecting users with spf, dmarc, dkim, and mta-sts

There was Gmail long before there was Google Workspace. Gmail is one of the most used components of Google Workspace, whether informing staff about significant events or receiving notifications. 

The protocols that today’s modern systems are based on were created with minimal consideration for security. As soon as email became a common form of communication, individuals who would misuse the system’s accessibility made changes.

The malicious actors attempt to access something that the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) by default if not guards against. Statistics show the guidelines or safeguards in place in Norway in 2018 to prevent the transmission of bogus emails. SPF record is the gold standard, according to 76% of respondents. 

What Is SPF?

SPF allows domain owners to specify which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of their domain. SPF protocol is designed to prevent email spoofing and phishing by verifying the authenticity of the sending domain.

In the SPF record, the domain owner specifies the IP addresses of the servers that may send emails to their domain. When an email is received, the recipient’s email server can check the SPF lookup tool for the sending domain. It can verify that the email came from an authorized server.

If the email came from an unauthorized server, the recipient’s email server can reject the message or mark it as spam. SPF service is a key tool in the fight against spam and phishing. It makes it more difficult for attackers to impersonate legitimate domains in their phishing emails.

What Is DMARC?

DMARC is an email security protocol that helps domain owners prevent unauthorized use of their domain.

DMARC builds on top of two other email authentication protocols, SPF and DKIM. It adds an extra layer of protection by enabling domain owners to set policies for how their email should be handled if it fails authentication checks.

When an email is sent using DMARC service, the recipient’s email server will check the SPF and DKIM records. If the email fails these checks, the recipient’s email server checks the DMARC check to determine how the email is handled. The DMARC policy can instruct the recipient’s email server to reject the email or send it to the spam folder.

DMARC record checker also provides domain owners with reports on how their domain is being used in email messages. It can help them identify and block unauthorized use of their domain.

To know more about DMARC policy, read What is a DMARC Policy and How Does It Work?

What Is DKIM?

DKIM is an email authentication protocol that allows a sender to digitally sign an email message with a private key. It can be verified by the recipient using a public key published in the sender’s DNS records.

When the sender emails with DKIM checker, the message is signed with a private key, unique to the sending domain. The recipient’s email server can then use the public key published in the sender’s DNS records. It verifies the digital signature and confirms that the message was not tampered with during transit.

DKIM is designed to prevent email spoofing and phishing by verifying the authenticity of the sending domain. By digitally signing their emails with DKIM generator, legitimate senders help establish trust with their recipients and improve email deliverability.

You can also use DKIM check for message integrity, as the digital signature includes a hash of the message content. This means that if the message changes in transit, the signature will no longer match and the recipient’s email server will know that the message has been tampered with.

Overall, DKIM provides a powerful tool for email authentication and can help to increase trust between senders and recipients, improve email deliverability, and prevent email fraud.

What Is MTA-STS?

MTA-STS stands for Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security. It is an email security protocol that enables domain owners to enforce encryption and secure communication between email servers.

MTA-STS uses the HTTPS protocol to enable secure communication between email servers. When an email server receives an email from a domain with MTA-STS, it will establish a secure HTTPS connection.

If the connection is successful, the policy server will respond with a policy statement that instructs the email server to enforce encryption. It secures communication for future email exchanges. If the connection is unsuccessful, the email server will continue to send and receive emails using standard SMTP protocols.

MTA-STS prevents man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and ensures that email communication is encrypted and secure. By enforcing encryption and secure communication, MTA-STS helps to protect the privacy and security of email messages. It also prevents attackers from intercepting or changing email messages in transit.

MTA-STS provides a powerful tool for email security and helps to increase the security and privacy of email communication.

The Bottom Line

By implementing these protocols, you can ensure that your email messages are authenticated, secure, and delivered to the intended recipient. This will help protect your users from email fraud and build trust and credibility with your customers. DMARC provides email phishing protection for your domain. You can get through the DMARC Reject Stage swiftly with the aid of our experts and tool like GoDMARC. To comprehend the GODMARC policies, you must review the DMARC pricing options. Contact us today! 


Q1: How do these protocols protect against email spoofing?

SPF and DKIM help to prevent email spoofing by verifying the authenticity of the sending domain. It ensures that only allowed servers can send emails on behalf of the domain. DMARC enables domain owners to set policies for how their email should be handled if it fails SPF and DKIM checks. MTA-STS ensures that email messages are encrypted and secure in transit, preventing attackers from intercepting or changing email messages.

Q2: How do these protocols help prevent phishing attacks?

These protocols help prevent phishing attacks by ensuring that email messages are authenticated and delivered only to the intended recipients. DMARC security, in particular, can help prevent phishing attacks by enabling domain owners to set policies for how their email should be handled if it fails authentication checks, such as rejecting the email outright or sending it to the spam folder.

Q3: How do these protocols improve email deliverability?

By implementing these protocols, you can increase the deliverability of your email messages by improving your domain’s reputation. MTA-STS improves email deliverability by ensuring that email messages are delivered securely and reducing the likelihood of delivery failures.