How to Fix the “DKIM Signature is Not Valid” Error?

dkim signature is not valid

When you understand what DKIM is, you’ll know what to do if your DKIM record checker and signature are invalid. This may occur as a result of an inaccurate DNS record entry, a delay in DNS propagation, or other causes. How to fix the DKIM signature is not a valid error will be the main topic of discussion in this blog.

But, first, let’s see what is DKIM signature and move on to how to fix the DKIM signature. 


What Is DKIM Signature?

The added digital signature on your email message is the DKIM signature. Between 2020 and 2021, the total number of DKIM record observed tripled; the number of 1,024-bit keys nearly doubled. The number of 2,048-bit keys grew by 4.5 times.

When you email, the sender’s email server adds a DKIM check signature to the message header using a private key. 

The DKIM signature is a string of characters added to the message header and used to validate the email message. If DKIM selector is valid, it indicates that the message was sent by the claimed sender and has not been tampered . 

Overall, DKIM signatures are an important tool for ensuring email security and helping to prevent email fraud, phishing, and spam. 

Why Your DKIM Signature Is Not Valid?

There are several reasons a DKIM signature is not a valid error, including:

  • DNS configuration errors: DKIM signatures are validated by checking the public key stored in the DNS record of the sender’s domain. If there are errors in the DNS configuration, like missing or incorrect DNS entries, the signature may not be valid.
  • Key rotation: DKIM keys need to be rotated for security. If the sender has rotated the key and the generate DKIM record is not up to date, the signature is not valid.
  • Email forwarding: When emails are forwarded, the forwarding server may modify the message and invalidate the DKIM signature.
  • Email modification: If the email modifies in transit, like being scanned for spam, the signature is not validated DKIM signature online.
  • Signing algorithm mismatch: If the sender and receiver use different signing algorithms, the signature may not be valid.

To fix a “DKIM lookup signature is not valid” error, it’s important to identify the specific cause and take action. This may include checking the DNS configuration, updating the DKIM key, or implementing additional security measures to prevent email modification.

Fixing the “DKIM Signature is Not Valid” Error: Step-By-Step Guide

The “DKIM signature is not valid” error occurs when an email message fails DKIM authentication. So, the digital signature on the message does not match the public key published in the DNS records. This error causes the email message to be rejected by the recipient’s email server. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to fix this error:

Step 1: Check the DKIM DNS record

The first step in fixing this error is to check the validate DKIM record for the sending domain. This record contains the public key that is used to verify the digital signature on the email message. You can use a DKIM record lookup tool to check the DKIM record and ensure that it is correctly configured.

Step 2: Check the DKIM signature

Check the DKIM signature on the email message to ensure it matches the public key in the DKIM DNS record. You can do this by viewing the message header and looking for the “DKIM-Signature” field. If this field is missing or incorrect, the email message will fail DKIM authentication.

Step 3: Check the email-sending process

It is also important to check the email-sending process. It ensures you correctly sent the email message and that no errors occurred during the sending process. 

Step 4: Contact the email service provider

If you still cannot resolve the “DKIM signature is not valid” error, you may need to contact your service provider. They may provide additional guidance on how to fix the error or change your email infrastructure to prevent future errors.

To know more about DKIM authentication, How to fix “DKIM authentication settings update failed”?

The Bottom Line

Fixing the “DKIM signature is not valid” error requires checking the DNS record. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your email messages are properly authenticated and delivered to the intended recipient.

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Q1: What is the most common cause of DKIM signature errors?

A: The most common cause of DKIM signature errors is DNS configuration errors. This can include missing or incorrect DNS entries or problems with key rotation.

Q2: How do I check my DKIM DNS record?

A: You can use a DKIM record lookup tool to check the DKIM DNS record for your domain. This will help you ensure the record is correctly configured and the public key matches the DKIM signature on the email.

Q3: Can email forwarding cause DKIM signature errors?

A: Yes, email forwarding can cause DKIM signature errors if the forwarding server modifies the message in transit. This can invalidate the DKIM signature and cause the message to fail authentication.

Q5: What should I do if I still cannot fix the DKIM signature error?

A: If you still cannot fix the DKIM signature error, you must contact your email service provider or IT department. They may provide additional guidance on how to fix the error or change your email infrastructure to prevent future errors.

Q: Can you reject or mark email messages with DKIM signature errors as spam?

A: Yes, if an email message fails DKIM authentication, the recipient’s email server may reject or mark as spam it. This is because the email server cannot verify the authenticity of the message and may assume that it is spam.