10 Myths About DMARC

myths about dmarc

Organizations are increasingly implementing Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) to protect their domains from BEC and phishing attacks, email attacks as email threats increase. When properly deployed, DMARC email authentication is quite successful against these threats. However, a number of misunderstandings and falsehoods concerning DMARC reputation might obstruct its implementation, creating serious security problems.

In this blog, we’ll dispel 10 popular misconceptions about DMARC.

Dispelling DMARC Myths

Many people don’t instantly understand what DMARC accomplishes or how it guards against fraud, impersonation, and domain spoofing. This can result in major misunderstandings concerning DMARC, email authentication, and its benefits. But how can you tell what is right from wrong? And how can you be certain that you’re using it properly?

GoDMARC can come to your aid! These are the top 10 myths about dmarc, which we’ve gathered into a list to assist you in better understanding & implement DMARC.

1st Myth: A Glorified Spam Filter is DMARC

This is one of the most typical misunderstandings concerning DMARC that people have. All questionable incoming emails are blocked by spam filters, regardless of the domain they originate from.

However, DMARC instructs receiving email servers on how to manage messages sent on your behalf. A message will be rejected and discarded by the receiving server if the authentication check fails.

2nd Myth: Only Significant Phishing Targets Require DMARC

Organizations can become targets of phishing attacks or other email-based cybercrimes, even though some industries are more frequently targeted by phishing operations than others. To improve email security and secure their domains, all businesses must install DMARC.

3rd Myth: Only Bulk Mail Senders Can Use DMARC

Regardless of size, all organizations are the target of cyberattacks. If you have a public domain, you may be susceptible to phishing, spoofing, and other intrusions. DMARC deployment isn’t just for large companies and multinational corporations.

Every company needs to use DMARC report checker to confirm the authenticity of its emails and prevent nefarious parties from abusing its domain or brand reputation.

4th Myth: DMARC on “None” is Sufficient

DMARC is extremely successful against BEC and other phishing assaults, but it is unable to put policies into force on its own. Your DMARC policy being set to p=none is equivalent to having no policy at all. The “None” policy is intended for DMARC implementation’s first phases. It permits the delivery of any emails, including dubious or forged ones, to the recipient’s mailbox.

DMARC reports are still generated under the p=none policy, but it does not shield your domain from spoofing, phishing, or other online threats. Only testing and monitoring should be done with this policy in order to determine whether emails sent on your domain’s behalf successfully authenticate using DMARC and which do not.

It’s critical to upgrade your DMARC policy to p=quarantine or p=reject for severe enforcement once the monitoring phase is complete.

5th Myth: When You Reach Enforcement, Your Journey is Over

The goal of DMARC enforcement is just the beginning. You must frequently check your email send sources and infrastructure for any changes. You need to stay focused because email is dynamic and infrastructure is subject to change. Utilize tools like Hosted DMARC to remain on top of things.

6th Myth: A Quick Deliverability Fix is DMARC

Deliverability cannot be quickly fixed with DMARC. Although it increases your deliverability rate, it doesn’t happen very quickly. To monitor your domain when implementing DMARC for the first time, you must maintain the p=none policy for a while.

Following this phase, you can proceed to the quarantine policy. Following that, it’s critical to enforce the reject policy so that you may benefit from DMARC’s deliverability features. It’s not a good idea to enforce a reject policy right away.

7th Myth: DMARC Addresses Every Email Attack

Every firm should use DMARC, but it won’t shield you from every email assault. You shouldn’t use it by itself because it offers email authentication and protects your domain against one sort of spoofing.

For instance, DMARC doesn’t stop the spoofing of lookalike domains. For email protection, enterprises need a layered security approach.

8th Myth: For Parked Domains, You Can Ignore DMARC

Contrary to popular belief, not all domains that send emails require the implementation of DMARC pricing policy. Any domain can be spouted by hackers, thus each one of yours needs to be DMARC-protected. Email recipients will then be able to quickly verify that messages are coming from your domains and are not any phishing attacks. 

9th Myth: You Can’t Start DMARC Before Setting Up SPF and DKIM

This is another fallacy regarding DMARC that we’re refuting. Implementation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC is highly advised. However, you can still set up DMARC first before SPF and DKIM.

You ought to set the policy to p=none after you understand how to create a DMARC entry to your DNS. This monitoring phase provides information about spoofing and authentication problems with approved mail senders. However, before you can change your DMARC plans & pricing to quarantine or reject, you must deploy SPF and DKIM.

10th Myth: A Security Project is DMARC

The security project status of DMARC is yet another misunderstanding. However, DMARC is actually cross-functional and cross-departmental. When the compliance, security, IT, and marketing departments work together, the email authentication process is more efficient and effective.

In addition to identifying shadow IT, enhancing deliverability, and boosting brand reputation using BIMI, DMARC can halt phishing and spoofing assaults that use genuine domains.


The collection of DMARC myths that have been fully debunked comes to an end with this. To increase defenses against phishing and spoofing, Skysnag’s automated DMARC verifies that an email message originated from the domain it purports to have originated from. But don’t simply take our word for it. In order to help you investigate potential security issues and detect potential dangers from impersonation attacks, Skysnag generates DMARC reports for you.

GoDMARC is a cloud-based analysis tool that enables businesses to easily implement DMARC. It is created expressly to meet the demands, which include email authentication, robust reporting, a reduction in false positives, the elimination of phishing emails, a reduction in complexity, and more.


Q1.Is DMARC actually required?

A brand’s email security and deliverability plan must include DMARC since it enables: Visibility – Keep an eye on emails sent from your domain to make that SPF and/or DKIM authentication is carried out correctly. Block messages that are spoofed in order to protect your brand’s reputation with consumers.

Q2.Does DMARC still exist?

Major consumer mailbox providers like Gmail, AOL, Microsoft, and Yahoo Mail have embraced DMARC. According to Valimail’s Email Fraud Landscape, the DMARC standard is really respected by more than 5 billion consumer mailboxes globally (including 100% of the largest consumer mailboxes in the United States).

Q3.What might occur if there was no DMARC?

Domain owners will receive reports about hostile IPs attempting to spoof their domain if DMARC enforcement is not properly implemented in an organization, but they will be powerless to stop domain abusers and impersonators from wreaking havoc.

Q4.Should DMARC be rejected or quarantined?

However, after you’re certain that everything is functioning well, you should set your policy to reject in order to shield recipients from fraud and preserve the reputation of your domain. In other words, even if you never plan to send emails from your domain, you should still try to implement a robust DMARC policy.