How To Fix “SPF alignment failed”?

how to fix spf alignment failed

You must configure DMARC security for your email domains to defend your domain and online identity from scammers. SPF and DKIM’s combined email authentication efforts serve as the foundation for DMARC policy operation. As a result, reports on email delivery problems, authentication problems, and alignment problems are also useful to DMARC users. Find out more about how to fix SPF alignment failure here.

What Is SPF Alignment Failed?

“SPF alignment failed” is an email authentication error occurring when the SPF record of the sending domain doesn’t match email headers. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an email authentication protocol used to verify the authenticity of the sender’s domain. 

If the SPF check fails, the email may be rejected or marked as spam. 123,144,861 active websites, 28,215,796 previously active websites, and 1,501,717 active websites utilised SPF records.

This error occurs for several reasons, including incorrectly generate SPF record configuration, missing allowed IP addresses, or email forwarding. To fix the “SPF alignment failed” error, you need to update the SPF record or adjust the email server settings. It’s important to address this error as it can negatively impact email deliverability and cause legitimate emails to be spam. 

To know more about SPF records, read What is SPF Record Checker and its Validation Process?

Why Does SPF Alignment Fail?

SPF alignment can fail for several reasons. Here are some common reasons why SPF alignment fails:

  • Incorrect SPF record configuration: The SPF record checker for the sending domain may not be configured correctly. The record may miss important information like allowed IP addresses or include incorrect syntax.
  • Multiple SPF records: If multiple SPF records exist for a domain, this can cause SPF alignment to fail. It’s important to ensure that only one SPF record exists for each domain.
  • Forwarding: When you forward an email from one email address to another, the original sender’s domain is not safe. This can cause SPF alignment to fail as the sending domain does not match the email headers.
  • Email service provider settings: Service providers may have default settings that cause SPF alignment to fail. For example, some email service providers may change the “mail from” address or use a different “HELO” hostname.
  • Changes to DNS records: Changes to DNS records, such as updating the SPF record, can take time to propagate. During this time, SPF alignment may fail.

To fix SPF alignment issues, review the SPF selector & record and email headers to identify the cause of the problem. This may involve updating the SPF record, adjusting email forwarding settings, or contacting the email service provider for assistance. Address SPF alignment issues as they can negatively impact email deliverability and cause legitimate emails.

Detailed Steps For Fixing “SPF Alignment Failed”?

“SPF alignment failed” occurs when the SPF record of the sending domain does not match the email headers. Here are some steps to fix the “how to fix SPF alignment” error:

Step 1: Check the SPF record for the sending domain

The first step is to check the SPF record validator for the sending domain. You can use a DNS lookup tool to check the SPF lookup

Step 2: Check the email headers

Next, check the email headers of the message that triggered the error. This header will contain information about the SPF check and may provide additional details about the error.

Step 3: Identify the source of the error

Review the error message to determine the source of the problem. For example, the error message may indicate that the SPF record is missing. 

Step 4: Fix the error

Once you have identified the source of the error, take action to fix the problem. This may include updating the SPF record, adding allowed IP addresses, or adjusting email server settings.

Step 5: Wait for DNS propagation

After changing the SPF record, it may take some time for DNS propagation to occur. During this time, email messages may continue to be rejected or marked as spam.

Step 6: Test the SPF record

After DNS propagation has occurred, test the SPF record to ensure that it works correctly. Use SPF checker tool to test the SPF record and ensure that it aligns with the email headers.

The Bottom Line

Fixing the “SPF alignment failed” error requires checking the SPF record, and email headers, and identifying the source of the error. After making appropriate changes, wait for DNS DMARC solution and test the SPF record to ensure that it works correctly.

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Q1. What is SPF alignment?

SPF alignment is a measure of whether the SPF record of the sending domain matches the email headers of an email message. If the SPF record does not match the email headers, SPF alignment fails.

Q2. How can I check if SPF alignment is failing?

You can use online tools or services that check email authentication to verify if SPF alignment is failing. These tools will analyze email headers and SPF records to determine if they match.

Q3. What is the cause of SPF alignment failure?

SPF alignment can fail for several reasons, including incorrect SPF record configuration, multiple SPF records, email forwarding, email service provider settings, and changes to DNS records.

Q4. How can I fix SPF alignment issues?

To fix SPF alignment issues, you may need to update the SPF record, adjust email forwarding settings, or contact the email service provider for assistance. It’s important to identify the cause of the issue before taking action.

Q5. How long does it take to fix SPF alignment issues?

The time it takes to fix SPF alignment issues can vary depending on the cause of the issue and the steps taken to resolve it. Changes to DNS records can take time to propagate, which can delay resolution.