What are Verified Mark Certificates and Why You Need Them?

what are verified mark certificates

Verified Mark Certificates (VMC) are a new type of certificate that enable businesses to place a trademarked brand logo next to the “sender” field in customer inboxes—even before the message is opened. This serves as a confirmation of your domain’s DMARC status and your organization’s authenticated identity.

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What are Verified Mark Certificates?

Verified Mark Certificates, also known as VMCs, allow you to show your logo next to the “sender” field in email clients. This will enable recipients of your messages to see your mark and know that your company has been validated before they read it. It is the email counterpart of a checkmark on social networking, but with additional validation and security criteria. These standards will help safeguard your clients and business from phishing and spoofing.

verified mark certificates

How Verified Mark Certificates Works?

Even while email service providers have put in a lot of effort to prevent evil users from abusing their products, there are still many people who can circumvent these safeguards. As a result, a new technique known as Brand Indicators for Message Identification, or vmc bimi, has been created to differentiate phishing emails from genuine emails.
Spam, fraudulent offers, and spyware are everywhere, particularly in email. The technology these spammers use has become progressively more difficult to stop over the years since it is more complicated and more difficult to detect.

What is BIMI Verified Mark Certificate?

Brand Indicators for Message Identification is what BIMI stands for in the industry. The most prominent effort currently being made to avoid logo fraud in emails for phishing and other scams. The ability to show your company’s logo on your outgoing emails in recipient inboxes is the most critical function that BIMI provides. An increasing number of email clients are using the Brand Identity Markup Language (BIMI) to enable companies to validate their logos for official usage.
The most excellent feature is that there is no charge to authenticate your logo for BIMI. It is a cost-free procedure that is open to participation from all stakeholders.

How does VMC work?

  1. Before opening your email, clients will see your company logo rather than the default initials used.
  2. Offer a more genuine, recognizable, and consistent experience to your customers.
  3. Create an instant feeling of reliability around your email exchanges. And your logo.
  4. Set yourself out from the competition and demonstrate to your consumers that you’ve put their safety first.
  5. Boost the brand’s exposure and ability to be remembered and engaged with, including a ten percent rise in interaction rates.

Get your Verified Mark Certificate (VMC)

A digital certificate validating a logo’s ownership is known as a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC). A certificate authority issues this certificate. Before you can get a VMC, your company’s logo has to be a registered trademark.

A VMC can confirm that your company is the legitimate owner of the brand mark. By associating a logo with a VMC, spammers and other potentially harmful users are discouraged from making unauthorized use of brand logos. Because the trademark authority validates it, a logo that is registered as a trademark is more difficult to imitate or fake than one that is not.

Step 1: Register your brand logo as a trademark

Your company’s logo has to be registered as a trademark with an intellectual property agency that the VMC issuers recognize for you to be eligible for a VMC. We strongly suggest you have your logo registered with the assistance of your legal team, or at the very least check to see whether it already has a trademark. 

To get bimi vmc, the current BIMI standard requires your company’s logo to be a registered trademark. However, the standard is being broadened to accommodate logos that aren’t protected by trademarks.

Step 2: Get a VMC and upload it to your web server

Gmail needs senders to have a VMC to show BIMI emblems in the recipient’s inbox. If you use an email client than Gmail, you should check the instructions for that client to see whether or not a VMC is necessary to show BIMI logos.

Benefit of Verified Mark Certificates

Memorable Brand Recall

Your consumers will have a difficult time forgetting about your brand. Customers will recognize your brand emblem and immediately feel a sense of confidence when using VMC. This strengthens the picture of your brand in the minds of your customers and makes it easier for you to build a customer base that is loyal to your company.

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More Trust = More Business

Your clients like the comfort of buying with a brand that is recognizable to them. So why not continue? Customers that link your brand with VMC will bring you more business since they have more confidence in your company. In addition, the recipient of your email will constantly be exposed to your brand, increasing the likelihood that they will become clients.

Become DMARC Compliant

Show that your email security is of the highest possible standard by demonstrating DMARC compliance. This makes it more difficult for bad actors to target your consumers with identity-based attacks like phishing and spoofing, two of the most common types.


Your consumers will have a difficult time forgetting about your brand. Customers will recognize your brand emblem and immediately feel a sense of confidence when using VMC. This strengthens the picture of your brand in the minds of your customers and makes it easier for you to build a customer base that is loyal to your company. Both virtual mail clients (VMCs) and business instant messaging interfaces (BIMI) are exciting new developments that offer improvements to the world of email and assist enterprises in further evolving in the digital age. Since you are now aware of how to get a verified mark certificate (VMC), you can immediately begin reaping the financial and safety advantages offered by these certificates. GoDMARC will help you in getting your VMC.


Q1. What is a verified mark certificate bimi?

Verified Mark Certificates, also known as vmc for bimi, allow you to show your logo next to the “sender” field in email clients. This will enable recipients of your messages to see your mark and know that your company has been validated before they read it.

Q2. What is a BIMI certificate?

Brand Indicators for Message Identification, or BIMI for short, is a new standard developed to facilitate the insertion of registered trademarks into email clients. This will make it much easier for businesses to show their brand in emails.

Q3. What are the benefits of VMC for marketers?

The benefits of Verified Mark Certificate are plenty.  Before they even open your email, customers will see your company’s logo rather than the default initials. It aids in providing a more genuine, identifiable, and cohesive impression. It helps people believe in the logo and identify email conversations with trust. It makes brands distinguish themselves from their rivals and communicates to customers that security is a top priority for the business.